Certified Tourism Ambassador Class

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Name: Certified Tourism Ambassador Class
Date: April 17, 2025
Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT
Event Description:
Become a Certified Tourism Ambassador by attending this one-time, half day certification class!!
Get involved in the things that interest YOU from history, recreation, arts, community events, dining, outdoors, and more! CTAs enjoy networking, planning and volunteering at events, leading tours and being in-the-know. Franklin County Certified Tourism Ambassadors help provide positive experiences and positive quality of community throughout the county. They are high school age, young professionals, retired individuals and everyone in-between. Gain elevated workforce development skills, bolster your resume with a nationally recognized certification or simply join in for fun, CTA is for EVERYONE and belongs to YOU!!
Register now at www.CTANetwork.com by creating a profile and selecting the class that best suits your schedule. Private classes for employers and organizations are available upon request. Call 717-552-2977 and ask to speak to program coordinators Lauren Formosa or Evan Crider or email: lformosa@explorefranklincountypa.com.

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Franklin County Visitors Center
Date/Time Information:
Registration closes on April 3!
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